- 4 Kids OnlyStephanville , TX254-965-6066
- Animal CrackersPlano, TX972-867-4802
- Ava GraceSugarland, TX281-265-1663
- Baby o BabySan Antonio, TX210-256-8687
- Bella MonroeAustin, TX521-921-3144
- Berings on WestheimerHouston, TX713-785-6400
- Best FriendsSan Antonio, TX210-349-9233
- Bo Peep ShoppeBoytown, TX281-422-6643
- Bonjour BoutiqueSan Angelo TX325-617-2506
- Bright BeginningsAustin, TX512-454-5437
- Buckaroos and Tutu’sMagnolia, TX832-443-9891
- Butterflies and Tadpoles Mansfield, TX 214-499-2395
- Charles MarieOdessa, TX432-362-5459
- Chic BabyHouston, TX281-397-8700
- Cynthia’sCenter , TX 903-692-3967
- Dimples and Dandelions Frisco, TX214-705-1642
- DoodlesHouston, TX713-528-2900
- Ella BellaArlington, TX817-483-4222
- Ella BellaSouthlake, TX817-488-3640
- Gingersnap Kids Round Rock, TX512-716-0800
- Heaven SentLewisville, TX972-459-9400
- Heaven Sent Children’s BoutiqueCoppell, TX972-459-9400
- Helene’s ClosetFrisco, TX214-415-7298
- Itsy Bitsy SpiderParis, TX903-785-5437
- Jack and Jill ShopKermit, TX 432-586-5657
- Just AdorableFlowermound, TX214-384-9421
- Kid BizDallas , TX214-692-5437
- Ladybugs Children’s BoutiqueMansfield, TX817-539-7222
- Latte-TotsMissouri City, TX281-208-8888
- Le Bebe BoutiqueMidland, TX 432-687-2800
- Little Heiress Frisco, TX 214-432-1612
- Little LamRichardson, TX972-234-8883
- Lollipops N LaceLake Jackson, TX979-297-1991
- Majestic KidsLubbock, TX806-786-2349
- Mommy to Bee & MeHumble, TX 281-852-0200
- Mother Goose Terrell, TX972-563-9710
- Nursery CoutureSan Antonio, TX210-494-2627
- Pajama PrincessAustin, TX512-413-6386
- Petite MaisonRockwell, TX972-722-6624
- Punkin PatchTyler, TX903-509-9259
- Purple MangoHouston, TX713-529-9788
- Razzle DazzleSan Angelo, TX325-942-2703
- Rhinestone CowgirlMontgomery, TX832-588-0981
- Safari KidsPlano, TX 972-473-3336
- Sassy and Southern KidsFrisco, TX214-564-3411
- Snug as a BugTyler, TX903-596-7684
- Sophie and SamMidland , TX432-352-4669
- Spoiled RottenMidlothian, TX972-723-7982
- StorklandWichita Falls, TX940-766-1234
- Strawberry FieldsSulphur Springs, TX903-885-1378
- Sunshine SquareDecatur, TX940-627-3394
- Sweet PeasDenham Springs, TX225-665-8023
- Texas Gold MinorsForth Worth , TX 817-625-7288
- Texas Gold MinorsFort Worth , TX817-625-7288
- The Pear TreeDalhart, TX806-249-5891
- The Pink Tutu’sFlowermound , TX817-881-3849
- UnzippedLeague City, TX281-557-0065
- Young at HeartArlington, TX817-468-7277